Our Maple Veneer – Wall to Ceiling- Standard Hotel Highline
Beautiful maple Tambour veneer used as wainscot, wall and ceiling transition

Our 1.5″ 631 Red Oak Veneer wall panels make beautiful curves!
Red oak veneer wall panels. Flexible real wood panels can be left natural or stained to any desired color.

This is at Pourt in NYC – 331 Maple Veneer 331 Maple Veneer Wall Panels
331 Maple Veneer Tambour Wall Panel Wainscot

Our 631 Maple Veneer tambour – California WeWork
1.5″ 631 maple veneer tambour – 4 x 8 maple veneer sheets, flexible for walls, wainscot, wall paneling, and more!

383 Walnut Tambour – flexible backing allowing easy curves!
383 walnut tambour – flexible wood wall panels and wainscot