Why are we different from everyone else?
Our Acoustical, Vibration, Industrial and Audio Specialists have been solving a wide variety of noise problems for more than 30 years. We can solve most of the problems over the phone and/or the internet. We also offer on-site acoustical analysis tests. We will not offer or sell you a product that will not work! We will only recommend the correct product that will absorb, deflect, isolate and STOP YOUR NOISE PROBLEM.We guarantee it! Price matching guarantee and quantity discounts.
Noise Solution Help Line (Ken our Noise Control Specialist) : 1(800)-964-6727
There are 3 ways to solve noise problems: Absorption, deflection. and isolation.
- ABSORB NOISE - by using: Eco-Absorber panels, fabric wrapped wall panels, scrim wrapped panels, quilted curtains/panels, and perforated panels.
- STOP NOISE - Deflect noise by using: Noise control barrier or quilted panels.
- ISOLATE NOISE - by using: Acoustic decoupler, Kellett pads, noise control barrier, and isolation hangers and bases.
Interesting Fact: A 10 decibel reduction (10 STC) will reduce the noise heard by up to 50%. A 20-decibel reduction (20 STC) will reduce the perceived noise heard by 75%. Therefore, our noise control barrier stops up to 75% of the noise heard through a standard wall. We can help you learn how to soundproof a room.
We have proudly partnered with Lynch Insulation as our WEST Coast Distributor, authorized dealer, and stocking supplier for Montana and the surrounding states. You can reach them at 406-728-6785, or visit their website at https://lynchinsulation.com
Stop Noise - Noise Control Barrier
BARRIER is 1/8" thick black vinyl (1 lb/sq ft) with an STC rating of up to 27** and has about the same noise stopping ability as a 5" drywall/stud wall. Achieve a total STC of 45** in an existing wall and stop about 2/3 of the noise heard thru that wall.
STC and IIC Ratings for Various Configurations. Hardwood floor STC/IIC Assembly Barrier is installed by stapling, nailing (roofing nails work best) or screwing. In a new wall, ceiling or floor, attach the barrier directly to the wall studs, the floor joists or ceiling rafters and then cover with dry wall, wood paneling or flooring material.
Achieve a total STC of up to 53** for new wall construction which stops 75% of the noise heard thru a standard wall. STC and IIC Ratings for Various Configurations. Hardwood floor STC/IIC Assembly On a finished wall or ceiling, the barrier works best by attaching it to furring strips at least 3/4" thick to decouple it from the wall and then covering the barrier with sheetrock or wood paneling such as our red oak Tambour T831FRP or T631FRP using panel adhesive.
Do not be misled by "fancy" or expensive products such as Homasote, Soundboard, QuietRock or the use of resilient channels. (Read why the use of resilient channels is not sufficient enough for proper noise reduction)
Numerous clients call us who have used these so called "noise control products" and reported to us that they were not happy with the end result. None of our customers are calling us with the same complaint. Our barrier is very easy to work with and WILL SOLVE THE NOISE PROBLEM! Don't be confused by more technical sounding solutions. Our vinyl barrier will do the job cost effectively. The other products cost per decibel(STC) reduction is more than 2 1/2 times as much as the cost of our vinyl barrier. Barrier can also be laid above acoustical tiles to prevent noise transfer thru the plenum.
Class A Fire Rated Barrier also available: Fire rated barrier may be required in commercial buildings and occupied spaces so check with your local fire marshal. Our Class A Fire rated barrier (#FRBAR) passes UL94HB and UL94VO tests and tested by independent laboratories. Fire rating for std barrier (#bar) is both UL94 HF-1 and MVSS 302 rating (Class C).
Nylon reinforced barrier can be hung as a curtain to isolate noisy machinery or work stations. Barrier is installed by stapling, nailing or screwing.
Installation Instructions for Noise Control Barrier: For new wall, ceiling or floor construction, attach the barrier directly to one side of the the new stud wall, on the bottom of floor joists or ceiling rafters by using roofing nails or staples to secure the barrier and then cover the barrier with dry wall or wood paneling such as our red oak Tambour T831FRP using our Loctite glue. On a finished wall or ceiling, the barrier needs to be installed on to furring strips(at least a 1/2" thick) that would be attached to the existing drywall spaced 16" on center. This allows the barrier to be decoupled from the wall allowing the barrier
to absorb the energy and eliminate it. You then cover the barrier in the same manner as mentioned above. Barrier can also be laid above acoustical tiles to prevent noise transfer into the plenum.
Effectively help stop noise with Constrained Layer Damping!
Isolate Noise -Acoustic Decoupler's
We offer several acoustical decoupler's for your individual needs. By using an acoustical decoupler you not only help isolate footfall (impact)
noise, you also help with airborne noise between levels.
Acoustical Decoupler 9/64" Stops noise transfer through CARPETING, wood flooring, laminate flooring, tile flooring and vinyl flooring. Also use on concrete as a moisture barrier and to stop cold transfer for the product has an R value of .5. This 9/64" thick cellular reinforced rubber with fiberglass cellulose backing (see photo) is installed under carpeting and wood flooring without gluing down. Our product will not compress, fall apart or allow mold and mildew growth. Simply roll out over your subfloor! Then carpeting and pad or solid/engineered wood flooring planks are stapled or glued directly over the Acoustic Decoupler. Do not be mislead by thinking that a thicker product is better. Also use under the cement board for tile installations and plywood subfloor for tile installations to stop noise transfer. Stops up to 95% of all impact noise transferred to the area below with an IIC of 63. This is a higher IIC rating than cork which must be glued down! Achieve up to a total STC rating of 55 and IIC of 65**. STC and IIC Ratings for Various Configurations. Acoustic Decoupler is sold in 54" wide by 22' or 48' rolls. (100 or 216 sqft) Plus quantity discounts!
Acoustical Decoupler HD (Heavy Duty)"]is an underlayment system for installation beneath staple down or nail down hardwood flooring*, Gypcrete or cement board which acts not only as a sound deadener but also as a decoupler by breaking the sound transmission path through the floor-ceiling assembly and prevents noise flanking from room to room. Simply roll out over the subfloor, tape seams for wood flooring and for Gypcrete, prepare the perimeter by installing polyethylene foam or fiberglass board as well as any protrusions through the installation. The product is 5/16" thick and comes in rolls 5/16" x 54" wide x 24' lengths. As an assembly this product will help you achieve an STC up to65 and an IIC of 69**.
Acoustical Decoupler TF (Tile Flooring) is SPECIALLY DESIGNED to go underneath CERAMIC and NATURAL STONE tiles to help eliminate the shock absorbing and impact noise created in the lower level when this product is installed properly! This 1/8" thick strong flexible anti-fracture rubber pad fir use when superior sound control is required in multi-family housing, high rises, single homes or commercial buildings. Each roll is 60" wide x 30' long (150sqft/roll) As an assembly this product will help achieve an STC/IIC of up to 53.**
* The least amount of staples, nails or penetrations through the decoupler the better for the STC/IIC ratings
** ALL STC and IIC ratings are based on specific assemblies we specify and or recommend and are field tested results. (FIIC & FIIC)
Absorb Noise - Wall Panels
Eco-Absorber Interior Acoustical Panels: An inexpensive solution for absorbing unwanted noise. Eco-Absorber panels are available in white or can be painted to desired color by us or you with no loss of absorbing properties. Simply install with drywall screws to walls and ceilings or hang as baffles and clouds. Panel sizes are 23.75"/31.75"/47.75" wide by 6' to 12' long. Abuse resistant and Class A fire-rated. 1" thick panels have a NRC rating of .80 when installed over 3/4" furring strips and 1" thick 3 lb fiberglass between the furring strips. Also available is the Finale' panel which is a pre-assembled panel consisting of 1" furring strips and fiberglass and 1" Eco-Absorber face with an NRC of .75. Call for details, samples and freight quote!
Fabric Wrapped Acoustical Wall Panels are high-density core fiberglass wrapped with one of more than 45 different Guilford 701 fabric choices. Go to (www.guilfordofmaine.com/samplecenter)are high density core fiberglass wrapped with one of more than 45 different Guilford 701 fabric choices. Go to choose your color(s). Easily installed, excellent performance used in; Hotels, Auditoriums, Restaurants, Theatres, Hospitals, Offices, Conference Rooms, Churches and many other applications where absorption is important. The panels come in 1" and 2" thickness and can be manufactured into many different sizes and shapes. The NRC is .75 for 1" and 1.00 for 2". Call for details.
Reinforced Scrim Wrapped Absorbing Panels are very durable panels used in areas such as; Dog kennels, assembly lines, manufacturing facility walls, and many more. These panels are durable, handling a wide temperature range, mid to low frequency absorption, fire safe and USDA/FDA approved. The panels are highly reflective and come in sizes from 1' x 1' to 4' x 10'. NRC ranges from .50 to .94.
Quilted Noise Control Curtain Panels Class A Fire Rated begin with mass loaded noise barrier and encapsulate it with acoustical fiberglass quilted absorber. The facing is silver in color and has a diamond shape pattern (other colors available). Panels are 1" or 2" thick with only quilted acoustical fiberglass enclosed if you want to absorb noise. 1/8" vinyl barrier is added to the panels is you want to absorb and stop noise (STC 27). Panels can be double quilted to absorb noise from both sides with an NRC of .85 without barrier. This product is custom made with grommets in them which allows the panels to be moveable. Uses: This product works excellent by containing and absorbing the energy source (noise) which can be used for; Enclosures, walls, engine compartment, hang as baffles (already have grommets in them), hoods, duct wrapping, outdoor applications (Using Silicone face and thread) and many more applications. Class A fire rated product, custom sized and economical for use in offices, schools, gymnasiums, factories, warehouses just to name a few. With an NRC of .70 and an STC of 27.